I suppose Turn8 was started as a result of haughty art teachers telling me I
couldn't make a living, "just drawing cars." Equally factoring in is the sheer
amount of poorly conceived automotive art out there. It seems it's either oil
painting reproductions of the '51 Targa Florio or gaudy airbrushed muscle car
posters, you know the ones. We're trying to get something a bit more modern out
I really hope folks like our artwork enough to display it in their homes and garages. We use the highest quality papers, canvas, and archival inks. We personally inspect each print before it's shipped to ensure top notch printing. Our customers are first priority, we want your feedback, what you like, what you don't, what you want to see next. Please add us on Facebook, Twitter, and join our newsletter, we'll keep you up to date on designs, limited editions, and most of all it's a great way for us to hear your comments!
- Ben